Patents & Certifications
Revolutionary Hot Carbonating Extraction (HCE) technology
chemdry's revolutionary carpet cleaning method uses the natural core cleaner Natural®, combined with a carbon dioxide cleaning machine, which uses the power of millions of tiny bubbles to penetrate the carpet fibers, quickly decompose the dirt, extract the stains to the surface and then vacuum them away.
Therefore, unlike other cleaning methods, carbonic acid extraction cleaning technology does not require large amounts of water, can dry faster, and reduces the risk of harmful bacteria growing in the carpet.
At the same time, it can reduce the use of detergents and prevent soap residues from absorbing a lot of dirt, causing the carpet to get dirty faster and thus need to be cleaned more frequently. Constant cleaning not only makes the carpet cleaner, but also keeps it cleaner for longer. The longer your carpet stays clean, the less times you need to clean it, and the more money you save.
chemdry Carbonic Acid Extraction Cleaner can also remove 99.1% of common allergens. When used together with disinfectants, it can remove bacteria from the air at home and improve the indoor air quality, creating a healthier and cleaner environment for you.
Protect your carpet from stains from foot traffic, food, pets and even red wine
International Stain Out
地毯上的咖啡、紅酒等頑固的紅色污漬是否常常讓您感到頭疼?洗之不去,換之可惜。現在ChemDry恆潔的污漬祛除劑(International Stain Out)可以幫您輕鬆解決這個問題。
Dust Mite Anti-allergen
Furniture odors can easily become trapped in carpet fibers and persist, especially when pets accidentally create odors that bother you? Our revolutionary Pet Urine Removal Treatment (PURT®) is perfect for pet urine stains and is proven to remove pet urine odors from carpets.*
Spot Remover
當發生簡單的污漬倒翻時,可使用ChemDry恆潔的污點祛除劑(Spot Remover)快速有效地祛除污點。恆潔的污點祛除劑與其他產品不同,不是將表面的污漬拿走或是洗到地毯根部,而是將地毯根部的污漬提取到表面,從而更徹底地清潔地毯。
Aqua Guard